To equip these toppings, you need to visit the cookie menu, tap on a cookie, and then tap on the toppings option.

There are several types of toppings in the Cookie Run Kingdom game that you can farm in the story mode by repeating the stages. In simple words, toppings in the Cookie Run Kingdom are like equipment that you can equip to the cookies and get the bonus effects and stats. Now, let’s not waste any time and check out the Cookie Run Kingdom toppings guide: best toppings builds for all cookies: – Cookie Run Kingdom Topping Guide⇓ And, if you are new to the game, make sure to redeem these Cookie Run Kingdom coupon codes, check out the beginner’s guide, and Cookie tier list. Please do note that these builds are not official and based on our opinion feel free to share your opinions in the comment section below. In this Cookie Run Kingdom topping guide, we are going to showcase the best toppings builds for all the cookie characters featured in Cookie Run Kingdom game.

Cookie Run Kingdom Toppings guide & cookie builds: best toppings builds for all the cookies featured in Cookie Run Kingdom game! Build